Sunday, November 19, 2017


Neal Shusterman
Arch of a Scythe #1


In the not so distant future, mankind discovers immortality. Anyone can turn back the clock on old age. Diseases, pain and even death are a thing of the past, but for one exception, the Scythe.

When the world saw that death was no longer a problem the world lost its drive to overcome and change. This lead to them gave over control of the government to a sentient super computer. The only thing that the thunderhead does not control is the Scythdom.

The Scythe are the last form of death with natural death gone it was decided that an artificial for of death was needed to control over population. Those gleaning came about. Now hundreds of Scythe across the world most meet their death quote every year. These men and women answer to know one except for themselves and the Scythdom. So what happens when a scythe goes bad? Who or what can stop them?

Citra and Rowan are two teenagers who have been chosen to apprentice to become Scythe but only one of them will rise to become a Scythe and the other will go back to their old lives.

When the unrest in the Scythdom spills over in to their lives Citra and Rowan they will not just be competing for a job, they will be fighting for their lives.


I loved this book. It was fresh and new. The look at how a world, that many man would dream of, could be just as messed up as our own is interesting and original. This future with no death is both inspiring and terrifying at the same time. This is a story that is about youth growing up but only those who understand death, as an adult does, can truly comprehend this novel.

The main two characters of the book share the first person perspective. The author jumps back and forth between them as needed by the story. The writing is well done and the flow of the book is quick, pulling you along as the read. There are little passages at the start of each chapter, they look like nothing but I recommend reading them as it adds a lot to the book.

I would recommend this book to everyone over the age of 14. It’s funny, interesting, and action packed. Personally I have already read it two times and it came out this year.

I give this book 9.5 out of 10.